
Can An Epsom Salt Bath Temporarily Increase Fever In Kids

Anyone who has ever had a fever knows how miserable and worrisome they can be, especially when dealing with young children. Fevers are a common sign of affliction and a necessary response to stimulate the immune system and fend off unwanted invaders which thrive at normal body temperature. In fact, a fever is actually a good indicator that your immune system is working properly. Fevers play a vital role in fighting illnesses and should be worked with, rather than against. Only they are uncomfortable and leave the patient feeling miserable.

But when it comes to fevers, we often are hasty in reaching for the medicine bottle. Regarding the common cold, flu, or viral infection, it may be counterproductive to suppress a fever using conventional OTC treatments, such as acetaminophen. It may provide some temporary relief, but it may make information technology harder for the immune system to exercise its task. Significant research suggests that a balmy-to-moderate fever should be allowed to run its course, and by doing so, information technology tin can shorten the duration of the disease and reduce the chance of spreading the disease to others.

So, what do you do if a fever strikes? With most fevers, your goal should be comfort. These ten tips tin aid yous naturally care for a fever and have y'all feeling better and back on your feet faster.

10 Natural Ways To Treat A Fever

red Ice pops laid out in a row

ane..Stay Hydrated: Rule #i is to stay properly hydrated. Dehydration can happen easily, particularly with babies and young children. Often you lot volition not accept an ambition for food with a fever, as your body is decorated using its energy to fight the affliction and doesn't want to expend it to digest food. At that place is no need to forcefulness your body to consume if you accept no appetite, only keep up with the liquids. Try eating steamed vegetables, soups and, broths if possible to stay nourished. Drink enough of water and herbal teas. Coconut water is a good choice to add electrolytes to your system. If you are as well ill to eat or drink, endeavor sucking on ice chips or ice pops.

natural solutions for sleep - headshots of man & woman sleeping in bed

2. Get Some Residue! Sleep is the body'southward most powerful natural method for recovery from illness. In fact, lack of slumber tin even brand you ill. Be certain to get plenty of sleep to allow your body to use the energy it has to fight the illness. This is the perfect time to use those sick days and to go on your kids home from school. Extra slumber will ensure a quicker recovery, while also preventing spreading something if you happen to exist contagious.


3. Beverage Herbal Teas: Herbal teas are a great choice in aiding a fever. Not only do they assistance keep you hydrated, but they tin can produce perspiration while as well strengthening your immune system to assist you get better faster. Elderflowers, catnip (gentle selection for children), yarrow, white willow bark, Echinacea, and lemon balm are all known to aid in the treatment of fevers. Lemon juice and raw dear can be added to the tea for an extra heave of vitamin C (simply never give love to a child under 1 year of age).

4. Boost Your Immunity: Aid your torso in fighting the illness: echinacea, elderberry syrup, Vitamin C (rose hips are a good source) and colloidal silverish are all skillful options to have on hand to give your allowed system a helping hand.

5. Try An Epsom Salt Bath: Epsom salt provides the body with hydration and magnesium while also drawing toxins from your body. Add ii cups of Epsom salts to a warm (not common cold) bathroom and soak (ten-15 minutes for children and twenty-30 minutes for adults).

6. Apple Cider Vinegar To The Rescue: Apple cider vinegar is another age-old remedy used to help "draw out" the fever. Soak a couple washcloths in diluted apple cider vinegar (1 role vinegar to 2 parts water) and place them on your brow and tum or wrap them effectually the soles of your feet. Alternatively, you can add a cup of apple tree cider vinegar to a warm bath.

vii. Plow To Essential Oils:  "Sweat information technology out" with peppermint oil, ginger oil, and cinnamon bark oil which tin assistance warm the circulatory organisation and cause sweating. Lavender, thyme, rosemary, eucalyptus, and sage oils as well help to provide soothing comfort when treating a fever. Try applying a few drops of lavender oil in absurd water and soak a washcloth in the mixture. Rest it on your forehead for a cooling, relaxing effect. Alternatively, mix a few drops of peppermint oil with kokosnoot oil and rub it on the bottoms of your feet and the back of your neck.

bone broth

8. Drinkable Bone Goop: Grandma was right—chicken soup is practiced for more than merely the soul, and bone goop kicks healing into a higher gear. Bone goop contains gelatin and cartilage which back up healthy immune function. Drink a cup the adjacent time a fever strikes to give your immune system a boost with the added benefit of keeping yous hydrated. Homemade bone broth, using healthy, organic bones and vegetables, is ever preferred, notwithstanding, there are many shop-bought varieties available besides.

9. Try Homeopathy: Homeopathy is the belief that the body has the ability to heal itself, and homeopathic remedies are natural means to support your body during a fever. Belladonna, Aconite, Nux Vomica, and Pulsatilla are among the nearly common homeopathic remedies used to treat fevers effectively. They are said to stimulate the body's natural power to self heal, shortening the duration of illness and recovery time. These remedies can be plant at almost health nutrient stores, drug stores, or can be ordered online. Meet our note on homeopathic medicines, beneath.

x. Wet Sock Treatment: The wet sock treatment may audio foreign, but many people swear by this natural remedy to help stimulate the allowed system and increase blood apportionment. It is best to use this technique on the showtime day of the disease and to practice it for a few nights in a row for maximum effectiveness. First, you lot will need to warm your feet in a warm bathroom or shower. Dry them completely. So, right before going to bed, soak a thin pair of cotton socks in cold water, wring them out and slip them on. Cover with a pair of dry out wool socks. The wet socks should be warm and dry out in the morning. If you wake in the middle of the night and the socks are already dry, repeat before going back to slumber.

Fever Red Flags

While it is generally advisable to let a fever run its class, there are certain red flags to lookout man for that may indicate a demand for a trip or call to the doctor:

  • Dehydration.
  • Persistent fever lasting more than than 2-3 days.
  • Whatsoever fever over 100.4º F in a baby under iii months.
  • A fever over 104º F, or when the person has a compromised allowed system or is undergoing chemotherapy treatment.
  • No clear source of the fever (no runny nose, no coughing, no pain, etc.).
  • Excessive lethargy.
  • Trouble breathing.

While most fevers are harmless and are actually helpful, always utilize your all-time judgment and consult your doctor if there is a cause for concern.

* A Note on Homeopathic Remedies: Homeopathic medicines ordinarily come up in the grade of a pill (pellet) or liquid which are absorbed past rima oris.  They incorporate highly-diluted active ingredients (usually a institute or mineral) for treatment of various diseases. While homeopathic remedies are regulated every bit drugs under the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FDCA), the FDA does not evaluate the remedies for safety or effectiveness. They tin can exist purchased over the counter with no prescription, but it is often advisable to consult with a homeopath to find the best mixtures for your specific symptoms.

Head - Magnesium sulfate

Natalie LaVolpe

Natalie LaVolpe is a freelance writer and sometime special teaching teacher. She is defended to healthy living through body and mind. She currently resides on Long Island, New York, with her husband, children, and dog.

Can An Epsom Salt Bath Temporarily Increase Fever In Kids,


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