
How To Increase Monthly Active Users

iv Tips and Tricks for Improving your App's User Engagement

Lotte, Digital Content Specialist

As a business owner with your own mobile- or web application, you want your solution to flower into a successful product and make a positive impact on your target audience. Probably one of the all-time ways to assure the success of your product is by focusing on user date and measuring whether users see value in your product or service. An optimized level of user date can accept a major impact on your user memory and, therefore, create a loyal customer base with increased and stable revenue streams.

What is user engagement?

User engagement, or production appointment, is a term that refers to every interaction that your users have with your application. It may exist equally simple as logging in or clicking a push, or it could exist linked to the completion of a specific activity or serial of activities within your product. Engaged users are different from other users, since they perform more valuable actions and have a closer relationship with your make equally a whole. More often than not, y'all can divide your types of users into three categories:

All users: This is the biggest segment of your audition and includes every user that has interacted with your product, from visiting your website to downloading your awarding.

Agile users: Active users are those who actively interact with your application. This grouping is significantly smaller than all users, since they have performed at to the lowest degree one meaningful activity in your application, such as registering, subscribing for a newsletter, or coming dorsum a few times after the showtime use. With the right strategy, you tin can turn active users into engaged users with relative ease. Nosotros'll talk about that a flake more below in this web log.

Engaged users: Engaged users are the most valuable users you tin can accept. They take performed much more valuable actions than agile users, such as making a purchase or using the app on a weekly or daily footing for a longer period of fourth dimension. Engaged users are most likely to recommend your app to a friend or colleague, pay for the associated services, and more than, since they take experienced the value it adds to their lives.


Key metrics to measure engagement

Because the user engagement of your app relies on diverse factors that differ per production and market, in that location isn't one uniform metric that represents user date. Important is to track the leading indicators that showcase the level of user appointment that matters for your application and objectives.

1. Number of downloads & uninstalls

The number of downloads is an essential indicator of the level of date with your app. Not only does information technology show how many people accept installed the app and probably interacted with it at least once, it too lets you track how your users ended up in the app store to download your app, which gives yous insights into the successfulness of your marketing and advertising strategies. Besides the number of people that downloaded your app, information technology's also valuable to know how many people uninstalled your app. Both these metrics prove if you're truly connecting with your users or non. You tin notice these metrics in Google Play Store's and Apple App Store's reports.

2. Active app users

The active user metric differs from the number of downloads metrics in the way it determines whether users are using the app on a regular basis rather than merely downloading it. DAU (daily active users), WAU (weekly agile users), MAU (monthly agile users), and stickiness (DAU/MAU) are a few essential metrics to rail for a improve agreement of your app usage and engagement. While a new and growing app should have more than new users than active users, a mature app should have a higher number of active users than the number of new users, indicating that users are coming back and using the app. The number of active app users tin exist found in information assay tools similar Google Analytics or AWS Mobile Analytics.

3. Session interval & session length

Session interval is the amount of time that passes betwixt ii consecutive uses of your app, and it indicates how frequently your users open it and interact with it. This can be a skillful metric to gauge appointment as it indicates how frequently users render to your app. Not only does this measure out the retentiveness and stickiness rate, it also provides you with some directly feedback for areas of improvement.

Besides session interval, session length also provides unique insights for analysing your app'south user appointment. The session length entails the time betwixt the user's opening and shutting of an app, or between the first and last activity he or she performs in your app. Longer session lengths represent a college level of engagement.

4. Behaviour flow

A behaviour period analysis can be used to runway the overall number of visits per folio, folio exits, and page navigation flow. This way, the deportment of your app's users tin can be visualized, which can help yous sympathize the specific deportment users performed. The metric of the behaviour flow of your users is a primal item in determining how to convert users into paying customers, equally y'all can clearly rails where and how often they stop engaging. With this information, yous tin can launch in-app marketing campaigns to reactivate lost users and optimize user flows to make navigation and overall usage easier.


How to improve your app's user appointment

The level of engagement within your awarding is highly influenced by the way your users experience your product or service. The better the experience, the higher the chance they will actively collaborate and engage with your app, and eventually become a loyal customer. Improving the engagement within your app doesn't necessarily entail big changes in functionality or features. On the contrary, modest adaptations can often have a significant affect on the way your users experience your applications.

Did you already try to improve your app'south user engagement only without success? Or do you have another question? Get in affect with ane of our experts on Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter and follow us to stay up-to-date with the latest tech news and blogs!

1. Optimizing with A/B testing

A higher level of engagement usually goes hand in hand with a practiced customer feel. Navigating through an app should come naturally and without attempt. Ane way to work towards an optimal user experience is by continuously implementing improvements, pattern-wise and functionality-wise. These improvements don't necessarily have to be massive, even modest changes tin can have a major impact on the way your users are engaging with your app. An constructive technique for continuous testing and adapting is A/B testing, which involves modest iterations of experiments with ii unlike versions of a specific design chemical element or functionality. What y'all do is implement a version A and a version B of your app, and allow a group of users interact with version A, and some other group with version B. Afterwards a while, you should accept enough data to observe out which one of the two versions has resulted in a higher level of appointment.

2. Meaningful features

As the app stores and our smartphones are bulging with applications for all kinds of purposes, information technology's becoming increasingly hard to choose one app over another, especially if all functionalities and features are pretty much the same. One way to attract and engage your users is past providing them with features that speak to your users on a personal level and therefore create a more than meaningful experience. In order to find out what these meaningful features entail, yous need to get into the heads of your users. This is best done with a Pattern Thinking approach. The human-centered Blueprint Thinking process focuses on empathizing with your users on a deeper level in lodge to create an understanding of their needs, preferences and bug. Once these needs, preferences and problems are identified, you can optimize your app's features to fit the unique personalities of your users.

3. Challenge your users

A swell way to engage your users is by implementing a loyalty & advantage program and gamified features. This manner, your users are stimulated to engage with your app and go on to apply it in order to win rewards. These rewards don't necessarily consist of discounts, complimentary trials or other things that consume at the revenue and profitability of your awarding. On the contrary, information technology could be something as simple as virtual rewards, such as special avatars, trophies or badges, and other in-app rewards that make your users stand up out from other users.

It can be demotivating to outset using an app if you know you lot'll have to spend loads of fourth dimension and endeavor to achieve your first reward. To tackle this hurdle, you can requite your users a head showtime by providing them with an amount of points or progress after signing upwardly or for completing unproblematic tasks, such as their profile completion or inviting a friend. Users are much more likely to continue their style towards more than rewards if they already have a basis to beginning with.

4. Cultivate a community

Equally mentioned in our blog about user retention, community spirit in an application can greatly boost the user feel. We are social beings, and we like to connect with each other on a homo level. No matter if it's family, friends, colleagues or strangers, making sure your app is community-driven can positively impact the engagement between your users and your app. Non merely can human-to-human communication increase the level of engagement, also gamified challenges and leaderboards can have a major impact on the manner your users collaborate with your app. You lot can also make employ of social media channels such as Facebook and Instagram to promote the app or highlight success stories, answer questions and generally create a robust and interactive community.

Need a hand?

At Lizard Global, nosotros know that every single one of your users is unique. They have their own needs and preferences, and they all interact with your application in different means. Taking that into account, it seems incommunicable to create an app that satisfies all users. However, years of experience taught us that, equally long as you get to know your audience segments on a deeper level and put yourself in their shoes, y'all can greatly improve the general user experience of your app and therefore increase your app's user appointment.

Are you not certain how to define your target audition? Or are y'all struggling with finding the correct metrics for tracking your app'due south user engagement? We tin can help you with that! Get in touch with us via our contact course or send u.s.a. a message on WhatsApp: +threescore 18 35 65 702.


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