
How To Increase The Amount Of Chickens On Ps4 Console

The in-game icon for Chicken.

Chickens are a type of Animate being in Farming Simulator 19. Chickens turn Wheat or Barley and a tiny flake of extra effort into Eggs, which are very valuable but created in pocket-size quantities. Chicken Husbandry is elementary, cheap, and easy to operate with just the most basic farm equipment, but the expected profits are the everyman amidst all Animals. It is however possible to make a massive profit off Chickens past putting in a lot of extra effort.

Chickens are the cheapest of all animals, costing but $65 apiece (including transportation fees, which cannot be avoided for this animate being). The smallest Chicken Coop available in the base of operations game costs $20,000, and can hold up to 100 chickens. Chickens breed at a relatively fast charge per unit, rivaled only by Pigs, and tin can hands fill their coop inside a brusk fourth dimension. All the same, due to the tiny contribution of each private Chicken to Egg production, and their extremely cheap purchase price, it is more often than not recommended to buy dozens if non hundreds of Chickens to kickoff with.

The primary product of Chickens is Eggs. Producing this fabric is extremely simple, requiring nothing but Wheat or Barley (either works fine). Chickens produce an corporeality of Eggs per twenty-four hour period that starts off very depression but increases over time. The more than Chickens in that location are in the Coop, the faster the rate of product increases. Over a long menses of time, Egg product can potentially increment to farthermost levels if handled properly, but may instantly reset if handled improperly.

Eggs accumulates in automatically-created boxes outside the Craven Coop fence. Each box tin hold upward to 150 liters of eggs. The marked output area can only fit upwardly to 20 such boxes, which means that boxes need to be removed frequently to exist stored elsewhere or sold. Failure to remove a box before information technology is full can result in loss of Eggs or a reset in production rates. Egg boxes can be removed by mitt without the demand for any loading tools, and tin can be transported in the trunk of a Machine (Tension Belts and careful driving are advised).

While producing Eggs, Chickens also brood at a rate of one chicken per 240 hours divided by the number of chickens of the same color in the same coop. Keeping animals at a exactly 100% productivity is extremely difficult, and so a single chicken should exist expected to reproduce every 255 hours under realistically-ideal conditions. Chickens stop breeding if there is no room in the Coop for more chickens, or if they run out of food. Each craven sells for but $25, but mandatory transport fees reduce the bodily sale value to $10.

The base of operations game provides iv dissimilar types of Chickens, each with a unlike color. Three of these are female Hens, which all function identically, though keeping merely ane colour of hen in each coop helps maximize the breeding rate. 1 model is a Rooster, which is purely cosmetic and does non contribute to Egg production nor convenance rates - just will still consume Wheat/Barley and reduce Cleanliness like a Hen.


  • 1 List of Chickens
    • i.1 Hens
    • 1.2 Roosters
  • 2 Chicken Coop
  • 3 Purchasing Chickens
  • 4 Production and Consumption
    • 4.1 Egg Production
    • four.2 Egg Accumulation
    • 4.3 Product Rate Limit
    • 4.four Consumption
  • v Convenance
    • 5.1 Same Colour
  • 6 Selling Chickens

List of Chickens [ ]

Farming Simulator xix offers four dissimilar types of Chickens. These can all exist bought at the Animal Dealer.

Female person Chickens - called Hens - are different from Male Chickens - called Roosters. But Hens may produce eggs and brood, while Roosters do nothing but consume materials (thereby wasting them).

Hens [ ]

At that place is no functional deviation betwixt whatsoever of the different types of Hens, only physical appearance.

Name Price
FS19 Animal-ChickenBlack.png
Chicken (black)
FS19 Animal-ChickenBrown.png
Chicken (brown)
FS19 Animal-ChickenWhite.png
Chicken (white)

Roosters [ ]

Roosters are purely cosmetic - contributing nothing merely consuming materials however. They do not boost chicken product or breeding in any way.

Name Price
FS19 Animal-Rooster.png

Chicken Coop [ ]

Main article: Chicken Coop (Farming Simulator nineteen)

Earlier purchasing any Chickens, you must purchase at least one Chicken Coop from the Store. This is a Placeable that can exist placed on whatsoever sufficiently-big open space (no obstacles).

The base game provides two different models of coops. The only real difference between them is their chapters (the number of chickens they can agree), and their concrete size.

Once the Craven Coop is placed on the map, you lot can begin to fill it with Chickens and Wheat or Barley.

Purchasing Chickens [ ]

To purchase Chickens, visit the Animal Dealer and interact with its sale point FS17 KeyboardButton.png Open Brute Dialogue Default Buttons: 30?cb=20170827234847 R 30?cb=20170827234910 ?? 30?cb=20170828002413 ?? . This volition but work if yous own at least one Animal Pen, otherwise the bill of fare volition not open.

Afterward pressing the push button, if y'all accept more than ane Animal Pen, you'll be asked which pen you'd like to populate. You must select an existing Chicken Coop in order to purchase Chickens. If you do not ain such a Coop, you will but be able to purchase other animals.

Production and Consumption [ ]

Chickens only demand to be provided with either Wheat or Barley. Either option works exactly the same, though the lower value of Barley makes information technology more profitable every bit chicken food. Chickens are the only creature that does non require Water.

If no nutrient is provided, Chickens volition simply do nothing. They volition not dice if they have no food.

If provided with food, Chickens will begin to produce Eggs. The rate of production starts at 0 Eggs per day, but will gradually increase over time. The more Chickens live in the coop, the faster this rate will increment. Technically speaking, there is no hard upper limit to the rate of Egg production, though there is a soft limit that may or may not be possible to break.

Consumption and production is candy at 15-minute intervals (in-game). For chickens, Product is measured using 15-minute intervals, whereas Consumption is measured over 24 hours.

Egg Production [ ]

The merely material produced by Chickens is Eggs, an extremely-high value material that can be sold at whatever basic Sale Point. This fabric is but produced if the Chickens have access to Wheat or Barley.

Egg product is initially prepare to 0 liters of Eggs per 15 minutes. However, this rate volition immediately brainstorm to abound with every 15 minutes of in-game time. The charge per unit of growth depends on the number of Chickens in the coop, also as the current Productivity rate. Chicken Productivity is much simpler than with most other Animals, since the base value is always either 0% (missing food) or 90% (nutrient present). You tin can add up to 10% to this value by keeping the coop'southward feeding area clean.

Product begins to accelerate almost immediately, though it may go unnoticed for a few hours even if there plenty of Chickens in the coop. Every fifteen minutes, production rates increment by nearly +0.001 liters of Eggs multiplied by the number of chickens in the coop.

Instance: Y'all've purchased a new Chicken Coop and accept placed 100 Chickens inside. Since this coop is new, the production rate starts at 0 Eggs per fifteen minutes. With 100 chickens, every 15 minutes the production rate increases past liters. Later on about 2.5 hours you volition be producing 1 liter of Eggs per xv minutes. After 5 hours y'all will be producing ii liters of Eggs per 15 minutes. By the stop of the first 24 hours you should be producing ix.half-dozen liters of Eggs every 15 minutes.

There is no known hard limit to Egg product rates. Yet, as explained below, the game does have a way of curbing the Egg product charge per unit, to prevent information technology from going wild. However, this tin can exist circumvented through diligent monitoring of the amount of Eggs waiting to be picked up.

Egg Accumulation [ ]

As Eggs are produced, they are placed into small boxes that appear on a marked area outside the Chicken Coop'due south argue. A box will be created automatically for the kickoff liter of Eggs produced, and more than boxes will be created whenever they are needed.

Each box can comprise upwards to 150 liters of Eggs. If the game finds a partially-filled box within the marked area, it volition attempt to fill that box up. If all boxes within the marked expanse are full, the game attempts to create a new, empty box next to them. If there is no room for more boxes, no new boxes nor any Eggs volition exist produced, and you lot will receive a log message in the summit right corner of the screen indicating this problem. To resume Egg production you lot volition need to remove at least one box from the marked area to make room for a new one.

The marked expanse tin potentially contain upwards to 20 Egg Boxes; However the rotation of the Chicken Coop when it was placed, as well as any changes to the height of the terrain, can disrupt pallet creation and reduce this limit. Brand sure to identify your Craven Coop facing ane of the cardinal directions (or as close to it as possible) and go along the area completely flat. Avoid using the Landscaping tool to change the meridian near the Chicken Coop.

Egg Boxes tin be picked upward by manus, requiring no additional tools. They can exist stacked on the ground nearby or loaded into a Machine to await transportation. As long as the boxes are not left on the marked area, they should not interfere with the creation of new boxes.

Product Rate Limit [ ]

To forbid production rates from reaching unreasonably-high levels, every 15 minutes the game will reset the Production Rate to the last amount of Eggs it managed to identify into a box. Normally this allows the Production Charge per unit to keep growing, so long as there is enough room for all produced eggs inside the box it is attempting to make full. Still if the game finds a nearly-full box on the loading platform and fills information technology with every bit many Eggs as it tin take, the Production Charge per unit will be reset to whatever amount of eggs was needed to fill up that box.

EXAMPLE: Let'southward say that production has reached a rate of 10 liters per 15 minutes. During the next product tick the game checks the loading area and finds a box containing exactly 139 liters of Eggs. There's enough room in that box, so the game simply adds x liters of Eggs to that box and the Production Rate remains unharmed. Nevertheless during the side by side tick the box contains 149 liters of Eggs, and the game tin can but fit i more liter to that box. It will fill that box to 150 liters, and reset the Production Charge per unit to 1 liter per xv minutes.

Using this method, production rates are more than or less stabilized co-ordinate to how many Chickens there are in the coop. The more chickens there are, the faster Production Charge per unit will recover afterward each such reset, filling the next box quickly despite the setback. With only a few Chickens in the coop, each reset will impale any excessive Production Rate, returning information technology to a more "reasonable" level for at least some fourth dimension.

This system has an important drawback that tin be exploited: If each box is removed from the loading area before information technology can attain 150 liters, the Production Rate will never reset; it volition but keep growing and growing. Eventually, given plenty time and effort, you can attain a Production Charge per unit of 150 liters of Eggs per xv minutes - filling an unabridged new box every quarter-hour. This requires plenty of attending, and can take weeks of in-game time to accomplish. If at any point you allow a single box to fill to 150 liters, Production Rates can drop massively, setting back the entire process.

In short, if at all possible, try to proceed the boxes off the loading area before they fill up, and you will quickly see a sharp rising in Egg production each day. Otherwise, Egg production rates will fluctuate randomly from day to twenty-four hour period, roughly corresponding to the number of chickens in the coop.

Consumption [ ]

While any food (either Wheat or Barley) is available in the Chicken Coop, each Chicken volition eat v Liters of nutrient per day.

This adding includes any Roosters you lot accept in the pen, despite the fact that Roosters do not produce Eggs nor breed. Roosters are therefore a waste of resources, purchased just for realism'southward sake.

Convenance [ ]

As long equally at that place is at least one Chicken in a Coop, that chicken will multiply over time. New chickens will appear automatically and be added to the other chicken in the coop. You can brood chickens to increase your Egg production, or sell them for a modest but immediate profit.

The charge per unit of chicken reproduction depends on how many chickens of the aforementioned type are in the aforementioned Coop, and the electric current Productivity rating for that Coop.

Hours to Breed = (100 / Productivity) * (240 / Number of Same-Type Chickens)

At 100% productivity, chickens reproduce at a rate of one Chicken per 240 hours divided by the number of chickens of the same color in the coop.

Instance: Assuming 100% productivity, if y'all have 10 Chicken (dark-brown) in a single pen, they will create one new Chicken (brown) every 240/10 = 24 hours. If you also accept v Chicken (white) in the aforementioned pen, those chickens will separately produce a new Chicken (white) every 240/5 = 48 hours.

Note: Roosters do not breed at all, nor practise they increase the breeding rate of hens.

Productivity for Chickens varies between 90% and 100% based just on the current Cleanliness value of the Coop. It tin never drop below xc%, as this would imply that the chickens are non being fed - which would completely stop their convenance. Since information technology is virtually impossible to keep productivity at 100% constantly, expect a breeding time of between 255-240 hours per chicken, divided by the number of chickens of the same type.

Same Color [ ]

Note that the calculation higher up involves chickens of the same color. This has an important effect that makes it slightly better to continue multiple chickens of the same color in each coop, rather than mixing chickens of different colors.

For example, if y'all accept 3 chickens of the same type, they will produce one new craven every X/iii hours (where 10 is their current breeding rate depending on Productivity); whereas if y'all have 3 chickens of different types they'll simply produce 3 new chickens after X hours.

This is of import, because in the first case the quaternary chicken volition go far after Ten/3 hours and increment the breeding charge per unit, so the 5th chicken will arrive after X/4 hours, the 6th chicken volition arrive after X/5 hours, and then on. In the 2nd instance, all 3 new chickens make it together after 10 hours, suddenly boosting the breeding rate. This means that chickens breed faster when they are all of the same color!

Here is a timeline of what happens in the game, assuming constant 100% productivity (all numbers are approximate):

Hours Passed Chickens of Dissimilar Colors Chickens of Same Color
Num. of Chickens Hours to Next Breeding Num. of Chickens Hours to Next Convenance
0 3 240 three 80
fourscore iii 160 4 60
140 iii 100 five 48
188 3 52 half-dozen twoscore
228 3 12 vii 34
240 6 120 7 (22)

As you can see, later 240 hours the craven of the same color have reached seven (and are about to create an 8th chicken), whereas chicken of different colors accept only doubled their numbers to 6.

As the breeding speed increases for the chickens of the same type, Egg production also increases more quickly. Thus, the chickens of the same type will have produced more eggs past the 240th hour than the chickens of different types! Similarly, they will also accept consumed more materials.

Selling Chickens [ ]

Every bit the Coop reaches its capacity of Chickens, you lot might want to sell some of those chickens for a little chip of extra profit. Each craven sells for only $25. Unfortunately, there is also a transportation fee of $15 per chicken, which lowers the overall profit to only $10 per chicken.

To sell a chicken, visit the Coop's marked area for animate being loading/unloading, and printing the "Animal Dialog" push button FS17 KeyboardButton.png Open Beast Dialog Default Buttons: 30?cb=20170827234847 R 30?cb=20170827234910 ?? 30?cb=20170828002413 ?? . This will open a carte that allows you to sell chickens straight.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to transport chickens yourself to avoid the transportation fee, considering the base game does not provide any Fauna Transports that can carry chickens, exept if you have a mod that allows information technology on specific trailers.

Due to the tiny profits from selling chickens, it is probably best to sell them off if you are in drastic demand for cash. Otherwise, it's usually better to go on your Egg production rates upwardly instead by keeping as many chickens every bit possible. The profit from the actress eggs can easily outweigh the profit from sold chickens.

How To Increase The Amount Of Chickens On Ps4 Console,


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